Monday, May 2, 2011


Being a mum to boys is definitely different to girls. Our house is full of superheroes, supervillains, fights over superhero t-shirts, battles and set-ups and hilarious conversations.

Just the other day, Micah is lying on the floor coughing and acting like he needed to spew. This is our conversation:

Me: Micah are you ok? Do you need to spew?
Micah: I've got green stuff stuck in my throat?
Me: [worriedly] Micah do you need to throw up?
Micah: The green stuff is making me so weak.
Me: Micah are you being superman?
Micah: Yeah, I'm so weak.

There are some days when it's all worth it. This morning they were up at 4:43am and I was wondering if it was worth it. But they are exceptional lads. We have just finished reading Flanimals...

I would say this a boys thing, but really my beautiful 10yo step-daughter finds them hilarious too. I struggle to find the attraction, but the names of the flaminals are fun to say :)

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