I know encouraging a love of books and learning is a wonderful to gift to give our children, but when Toby wakes at 4:11am and snuggles for 30 minutes or so and then is restless and crying because he wants to get up, and I'm INSISTENT it's too early to get up... but after about 40 minutes of that he starts saying: Gaggolo... his way of saying Gruffalo. Seriously, he wakes up and that's the first thought in his head?? It's cruel and mean, we read this book and it's follow one, The Gruffalo's Child several times a day. Now I have to start my day after a few hours sleep reading it too?
I brought Toby out to the lounge and again insisted it's cuddle time, not reading time, he glances and sees The Gruffalo and so my day begins: A mouse took a stroll through the deep, dark wood, a fox saw the mouse and the mouse looked good...
We love Gruffalo too Toby bear!!